Published on 4 December 2023

Welcome to the December issue of VAHI News

Welcome to the December edition of VAHI news. We’ve got a lot to share this month, as work we’ve been doing over the year is coming to fruition on some key projects. VAHI has been working with partners across the health system to progress initiatives that are going to improve health outcomes for Victorians, now and in the future.

We’ve hit a major milestone in our partnership with Victoria’s six Primary Health Networks (PHNs), with an agreement in place that allows two-way data sharing between the department and PHNs. The agreement will help PHNs understanding how Victorians use services in geographic areas, which will assist in service planning and delivery. In early December, the department and all six Victorian PHNs will meet to discuss other opportunities for data sharing to support joint projects. There’s shared optimism that increased visibility of the data will translate into real action that improves peoples’ care.

VAHI is supporting GenV, a statewide research program that aims to create a picture of the health and wellbeing of an entire generation of Victorians using linked data. VAHI’s Centre for Victorian Data Linkage is partnering with the project to link data from more than 115,000 Victorian children and parents creating a linked data asset that will be used for years to come. And while we’re on the Centre for Victorian Data Linkage, we also update you on improvements to their secure platform for data analytics, VALT2.

A partnership between VAHI and Eastern Health is set to improve the collection, collation and use of consumer feedback, and the experience and care for patients across our health system. The collaboration is looking to create an environment where consumers are empowered to share their experiences in a way that feels right for them. Eastern Health have recently come on board to lead consultations with health services, and their expertise will guide how the sector is engaged in this important work.

I am pleased to advise that our Hospital Acquired Complication (HACs) dashboard was re-launched last week and is again available to authorised users of the VAHI portal. The dashboard supports health services to identify and understand variation in the level of complications their patients experience. The updated dashboard enables services to investigate their HACs and use the learnings to design improvement activities.

Finally this month, as we head towards the end of the year, I would like to thank you for your support, and wish you a happy and safe holiday season. We look forward to working with you in 2024.

Don’t forget to subscribe to VAHI news if you haven’t already, and encourage your colleagues to do the same. It’s the best way to keep up to date with all the latest from VAHI. Likewise, if you’ve got a story to share about how VAHI data has helped you, we’d love to hear it. Contact VAHI Communications via


Dr Lance Emerson, CEO

Using linked data to enrich Australia's largest birth and parent longitudinal cohort - GenV

Using linked data to enrich Australia’s largest birth and parent longitudinal cohort – GenV






GenV (short for Generation Victoria) is a statewide research program that aims to create a picture of the health and wellbeing of an entire generation of Victorians using linked data. VAHI’s Centre for Victorian Data Linkage (CVDL) is partnering with the project to link data from more than 115,000 Victorian children and parents creating a linked data asset that will be used for years to come.

VAHI and Eastern Health join forces to improve the collection and use of consumer feedback

VAHI and Eastern Health join forces to improve the collection and use of consumer feedback

The Victorian Agency for Health Information (VAHI) is partnering with Eastern Health as the first phase of a broader project to improve the collection, collation and use of consumer feedback. Eastern Health have recently come on board to lead consultations with health services, and their expertise will guide how the sector is engaged in this important work.

Data sharing agreement set to improve service planning and innovation

Data sharing agreement set to improve service planning and innovation

The Victorian Department of Health has recently developed an umbrella information sharing agreement with each of Victoria’s six Primary Health Networks (PHNs). The agreement has patient privacy and security of information at its foundation, while allowing for two-way data sharing between the department and PHNs.


HACs Dashboard returns with risk-adjustment to aid statewide view

HACs dashboard returns with risk-adjustment to aid statewide view







A major update of VAHI’s Hospital-acquired complications (HACs) dashboard was released on the VAHI Portal last week.
The dashboard supports health services to identify and understand variation in the level of complications their patients experience.

Access to linked data easier than ever with VALT2

Access to linked data easier than ever with VALT2






The Centre for Victorian Data Linkage has implemented an updated version of its secure data access environment, the Victorian data Access Linkage Trust. VALT2 enables dissemination of linked data within a secure-based cloud environment, with analysis undertaken via Virtual Machines (VMs).