• Key Contacts

    Dr. Scott Fraser

    Improvement Co-ordiantor

    Project Lead, Best Care Excellence & Improvement Project





The Project

Western Health (WH) is working in partnership with the VMIA in developing the Best Care Excellence & Improvement Project. The project aims to demonstrate how each staff member is a fundamental contributor to creating a culture of continuous improvement and driving the responsibility for improvement and change to every staff member.

The BCEIP has developed and made available 7 online interactive WeLearn modules to all WH staff. The modules include facilitating and teaching skills in improvement, innovation, and the role of ‘human factors’ in healthcare errors, including Safety I and Safety II thinking. The second part of the project is an intensive programme where after completing the 7 We Learn modules participants will have the opportunity in developing improvement projects to support learnings over 3 month period.

No health service in Australia currently has a program that comprehensively teaches staff to identify and mitigate the role of ‘human factors’ in healthcare errors, nor does such a program teach Safety-II methodology while concurrently focusing on strengthening a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. Western Health believes to truly improve the health outcomes of a system, systemic change is required.

Western Health and VMIA are very excited to bring this project to all Western Health staff.

If you would like to get in touch please send us an email on Improvement@wh.org.au

The Structure

  • The Fundamental Module

    Within the 7 online modules is the Live Best Care module, the purpose of this module is to give comprehensive overview of the entire project, this is referred to as the Fundamental Module. Executive, WH Board, Volunteers and Consumer Representatives will complete this module allowing all WH staff to have an understanding of our framework and purpose.


  • The Online Modules

    The Project has developed 7 interactive WeLearn modules. During these modules you can expect to broaden your knowledge on facilitating and teaching skills on improvement, innovation and the role of ‘human factors’ in healthcare errors, including Safety I and Safety II.

    These modules are available to all WH staff, clinical and non clinical. We encourage all areas to participate in these modules as the lessons can assist all areas of WH to encourage continuous improvement and drive the responsibility of improvement and change to every staff member.



  • The Intensive Programme

    The second part of the project is the Intensive Programme, after completing the 7 online modules, participants across WH will collaborate in developing improvement or innovative projects to support their learnings in their area. These projects will be chosen by the participants, encouraging them to develop a project they are passionate about.

    With coaching and support from the Improvement Team the Best Care Governance and Support Division, we aim to give the resources and confidence to all staff to contribute and develop improvement and innovative projects in their area to support the delivery of Best Care.

    Participants in the Intensive Program will receive:

    • 3 x Study Half Days covering topics including
      • IHI Model for Improvement
      • Using Data for Improvement
      • Developing and Testing Change Ideas
      • Implementing and Embedding Change into Practice
      • Sustaining Change
    • One on one coaching by our Best Care Governance and Support Improvement Coordinators as you complete your local Improvement Activity.

    If you would like to get involved for the second round of the Intensive Programme starting February 2024 or would like more information please get in touch with us on Improvement@wh.org.au


The Learning Outcomes

  • Live Best Care Module (Fundamental)
    1. Describe the Best Care framework and how it supports the delivery of patient centred care
    2. Describe the four components of the Best Care Framework
    3. Describe the 4 ‘pillars’ of Best Care
    4. Describe the objectives and purpose of the Best Care Excellence & Improvement Project
  • Patient Experience and Engagement
    1. Recognise and explore the elements that contribute to the patients experience
    2. Demonstrating the delivery of Best Care through our day to day practices engaging with our patients
    3. Explore the importance of shared decision making to continuously improve the patients experience and engagement
    4. Recognise and explore the elements that contribute to the patients experience
    5. Demonstrating the delivery of Best Care through our day to day practices engaging with our patients
    6. Explore the importance of shared decision making to continuously improve the patients experience and engagement
  • Effective communication, Staff Engagement and Empowerment
    1. Identify the importance of effective communication skills to improve your engagement with colleagues and patients
    2. Differentiate between health systems and human elements of communication
    3.  Demonstrate the ability to utilise the ISBAR method of communication when transferring information
    4. Utilise different methods to improve employee communication and engagement
    5. Identify how health sector organisations identify and respond to change.
    6. Explore the approaches to change and how to implement change
  • Risk Identification, Incident Management and Open Disclosure
    1. Risk identification
    2.  Incident management
    3. Open Disclosure
    4. Safety Culture
  • Clinical Practice Improvement, Project Management and Clinical Innovation
    1. Describe the importance of critical thinking and reflection in improving the safety culture for our patients
    2. Demonstrate the use of a driver diagram to identify potential projects
    3. Demonstrate the use of the PDSA cycle and discuss all elements of the cycle
    4. Describe the important elements of project management
    5. Differentiate between innovation and disruption and discuss innovative disruption and how it applies in moving from a safety 1 culture to a combination of safety 1 and safety 2 cultures
  • Clinical Informatics, Systems Thinking, Process Improvement and Change Management


    1. Examine systems thinking its interactions, patterns and processes and underlying structures to inform how things work by considering the relationship between systems and behaviours.
    2. Compare Safety I and Safety II methodology, as contemporary reactive measures and safety thinking effects patient safety and process improvement
    3. Discern between digital health and clinical health informatics
    4. Define clinical informatics and its significant role in the future of Digital healthcare
    5. Explore the National Digital Health Capability Framework and its intended use
    6. Explore change management models for how to approach successful change in your workplace
  • Data Analysis and Application
