Published on 4 March 2022


Is there someone you haven’t connected with lately, a person who you care about, but have found it hard to either make the time to see or muster the energy to contact?

Connecting with others is an important part of our lives, and socialising with people who we enjoy being around, helps us feel better. When we connect with others, we experience less negative thoughts and feelings and it also reduces loneliness.

It can be as simple as having a chat, going for a walk, or grabbing a quick coffee. Connections matter.

It is up to us to make the effort. As humans, we are social creatures, so make some time to focus on your friends or family, or simply reach out to someone who hasn’t connected with you for a while; perhaps they have been feeling the same?


For more information on the range of support available to staff, including free, confidential psychological assistance, visit the Westerly.

Sandy Schutte
On behalf of the Executive Team

Ps. If you have a query about staff wellbeing, please email the team.