Published on 4 September 2023

Western Health considers the mental health and wellbeing of our employees of the utmost importance. To check in on how you are all going, this year we are running the Wellbeing Pulse Survey. 

This Survey is about checking in with you, to see how you are travelling at work. It will take only 2-3 minutes to complete and will provide us with a snapshot of how our organisation is doing from a mental health and wellbeing perspective, with a particular focus on burnout and psychological safety. Results will inform any adjustments that need to be made to existing support strategies, and help plan for the future. 

The Survey is now open and can be completed here. Responses can be provided until Friday 15th September. Please note, participation in this survey is voluntary and all results are de-identified.  

We value the feedback from everyone at Western Health and are committed to ensuring the best support services are available to all staff. 

Kind regards, 

Sandy Schutte 

Executive Director, People, Culture and Communications 
Adjunct Professor (Victoria University)