Published on 7 March 2023

As a result of the decreased risk of COVID in the community at the moment, Western Health is relaxing some of its COVID settings in relation to mask-wearing, effective 9am Wednesday 8 March.

These changes have been made following consultation with our Chief Executive Officer, my Executive colleagues, key internal groups and experts to understand the risks. In addition, a formal risk assessment was also completed. We understand that some staff and visitors will welcome relaxation to mask wearing but, equally, others may have some trepidation. Please be reassured that we will continue to closely monitor COVID cases and will move to adjust our COVID guidelines again if and when necessary. We ask that staff remain flexible and understand that we may need to adjust settings again in line with the level of risk.

Mask guidelines effective Wednesday 8 March

  • Staff caring for non-COVID/non-SCOVID patients working in non-high-risk departments are required as a minimum to wear surgical masks plus standard precautions (however, N95 masks are preferred).
  • Staff caring for COVID/SCOVID patients and those working in high-risk departments (specifically emergency departments, intensive care units, dialysis and oncology) are required to wear a N95 plus standard precautions.
  • In non-clinical areas (including office spaces, cafeterias, public areas, corridors etc.) there is no requirement to wear a mask.
  • Visitors will be required to wear a surgical mask (instead of a KN94) when visiting patient areas and there will no longer be security staff screening visitors on arrival.
  • As security guards will no longer be screening visitors, wards/departments will need to have surgical masks available at their entrances and display the attached Mask in clinical areas sign that states masks are required prior to entering.

Further detail about which PPE to use in different working situations is outlined in our updated guidance.

RAT testing for symptomatic staff continues. Healthcare workers should test if unwell and remain off work for seven days if COVID-19 positive. If you test positive for COVID-19, please let your manager know and complete our notification form.

Thank you for continuing to keep our patients and colleagues safe.


John Ferraro
Chief Operating Officer