Published on 11 April 2022

With the seven-day rolling average across the state now in excess of 10,500 reported COVID cases and increasing numbers of staff-to-staff transmission at Western Health, we’ve made the decision to reinstate mask wearing in all non-clinical areas.

Mask changes

From today, all staff must wear a surgical mask at a minimum in non-clinical areas including shared office spaces, meeting rooms and break areas when not eating or drinking.

Staff who wear an N95 mask in clinical areas should continue to wear an N95 mask in all other areas including non-clinical spaces such as offices.

A reminder that staff should not attend work while symptomatic. Unfortunately, there have been instances where staff attending work while symptomatic has resulted in staff-to-staff transmission. Staff can access RATs at all sites and PCR testing continues to be available to staff at the Sunshine COVID testing clinic. Details of where to access RATs on each site and opening hours of the Sunshine COVID testing clinic can be found here.

From tomorrow, N95 masks will be introduced for visitors and patients entering Western Health sites as an additional risk mitigation strategy.

Western Health guidance on mask wearing for staff, patients and visitors will be reviewed again following the peak in cases and hospitalisations.


Executive Director Operations (Acting)