The Weekly Wrap is a weekly publication for Western Health staff and volunteers that is designed, curated and distributed by Public Affairs. 

It is like a virtual pinboard, providing a snapshot of information about news, events, training, opportunities and offers for our 12,000 staff across all Western Health sites.  

The Weekly Wrap is sent to all staff every Wednesday morning. Before you make a submission,  consider whether the information you wish to convey is suitable for an all-staff email. The most successful way to communicate is directly to your target audience.  

Other ways to reach your audience include: personalised emails to individuals or groups, the Chief Executive Webinar, Operations Bulletins or via the Staff Intranet. 

Please note, your submission must be ‘new’ to be considered for inclusion to ensure the content remains relevant and timely for staff.  

Submissions  will remain in the publication for a period of two weeks, or until the offer or event expires, whichever occurs earlier.  

Please ensure you have the relevant permissions from your manager/within your department or team before making your submission.


Making a submission to the Weekly Wrap


Please send your Weekly Wrap submission to: with the subject line: Weekly Wrap. 

The deadline for submissions closes at 12 noon every Tuesday for content that is to appear in the following day’s edition of the Weekly Wrap.  

You’ll need to include the following information:


1.  A category  

Choose from one of the following categories:

What’s On  Stalls and events, awareness days/weeks and special initiatives. 


News and updates  New information relevant to a broad audience only. 


 Training and development  Short courses, special education initiatives or professional development opportunities that are targeted at all staff.  


Get involved   Volunteering and engagement opportunities. 


Staff benefits and special offers  Benefits and offers will need to be new and relevant to Western Health staff to be included.



2.  Headline 

 Make it informative and interesting and limit punctuation marks.  No more than 10 words. 


3.  Text 

Keep it short and simple. What do you want to tell staff and volunteers and where can they get more information, or what action would you like them to take? If you are unsure what to include cover the basics: who, why, what, when, where and how. No more than 150 words. 


4.  Image or graphic 

 An image or a graphic is optional, and these will only be included if they adhere to Western Health’s brand and style guidelines. The images must also be ‘high resolution’, which usually refers to images that are greater than 1MB. A maximum of two images can be submitted. 


5.  Links 

Any appropriate internal or external links to help staff obtain further information will be considered for inclusion on a case-by-case basis. 


6.  Expiry date 

Please provide an expiry date for your submission. Content is automatically removed after two weeks, or when the event has concluded, whichever occurs sooner. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Who approves my submission? 

    Please ensure that before you make your submission to the Weekly Wrap, your content has been approved by your manager and the appropriate people within your department. Public Affairs may edit the content to ensure it aligns with our style guide and communications best practice. 

  • Can I advertise a new product, business or event in the Weekly Wrap?

    The Weekly Wrap is designed to inform staff about important information, news, activities and events. It is not intended as an advertising platform. Staff benefits or new offers specifically for Western Health staff may be included for inclusion on a case-by-case basis. 

  • Can third parties or corporate sponsors use to Weekly Wrap to promote their services to staff?

    Please consult with Public Affairs before entering into an agreement with third parties or corporate sponsors about the inclusion of items in the Weekly Wrap. Items such as these will be included after consultation and approval from the Director of Public Affairs. 

  • Can I make a submission that lasts for multiple weeks? 

    No. The Weekly Wrap guidelines require you to make a submission each time you would like an item to appear. Please note that we do not include items permanently and the item needs to be ‘new’ or ‘timely’ to ensure that the content remains relevant. If you’d like information permanently available to all staff, please consider whether it would be best suited to the staff intranet. 

  • Where can I go for more information? 

    Please contact Public Affairs on: