Published on 7 August 2023

Professor Bodil Rasmussen has informed me for her intention to step down as Western Health’s Chair of Nursing at the end of 2023.

Bodil has been Western Health’s inaugural Chair of Nursing, and over the past 7 years Bodil has made a remarkable and long-term positive impact on nursing at Western Health. Her leadership, passion and approach has supported our nurses to significantly grow their research capability and critical thinking.

Bodil’s achievements over her time at Western Health are truly amazing, with our nurses now publishing on a monthly basis, regularly presenting at conferences, compiling posters and undertaking projects in a robust way. Bodil has connected our nurses with academic colleagues from across the world, making for excellent opportunities to learn and collaborate. None of this would have been possible without Bodil, and I am sincerely and forever grateful.

Bodil has also been a strong and respected member of the Nursing and Midwifery Executive team, and her expertise, insights, advice and counsel has always added value and resulted in better, more well-informed decisions. It has been a privilege to work closely with Bodil, and she will leave an enduring legacy.

Bodil will finish in her role on 31 December, and she has agreed to support the transition of her successor. The process to appoint our next Chair in Nursing will take place over the coming months.

Shane Crowe
Executive Director, Nursing & Midwifery