Published on 6 November 2021

Western Health has contracted Professor Kerry Arabena and the team at Karabena Consulting to undertake an impact evaluation of Western Health’s Aboriginal Health Cultural Safety Plan 2019-2021 and make recommendations for the development of the next iteration, the Western Health Aboriginal Health Cultural Safety Plan 2022-2025. The team at Karabena Consulting will be working closely with Tanya Druce, Manager of Wilim Berrbang (Aboriginal Health) at Western Health, as well as the Western Health Aboriginal Health Steering Committee and the wider Aboriginal community.

Professor Kerry Arabena, Managing Director of Karabena Consulting, has over three decades of experience in Indigenous health and wellbeing at both a national and international level. Her insights, expertise and previous work will support Western Health in developing our next Cultural Safety Plan which will shape our commitment to patients and their families, our staff and volunteers over the next three years.

To assist us in the research, we invite you to take part in an online survey where we will ask questions that will help us:

  • understand the impact of the 2019-2021 Cultural Safety Plan; and
  • understand your vision for the future to better inform the recommendations for the 2022-2025 Cultural Safety Plan.

In recognition of the pressure staff are under, we have worked with Karabena Consulting to ensure that the approach to consultations is flexible and as accessible as possible, to better support your ability to engage how and when works best for you.

The survey can be found here.

If you wish to provide additional information, you will have the opportunity to opt-in for a semi-structured phone interview at the end of the survey. All respondents will go into the draw to win an original artwork by a local Aboriginal artist.

You may also be interested in signing up for a free self-care course being offered by Karabena Coaching, developed specifically to support health care workers during this challenging time. If you are interested, you can register here.

Should you have any questions about the Western Health Aboriginal Health Cultural Safety plan, please contact Tanya Druce –