A large and complex project is currently being undertaken to move Western Health to use modern, connected and state-of-the-art HR technology systems that are designed to improve the employee experience.

The PeopleConnect project will be implementing 2 major components:

  • PeopleHub is the SuccessFactors system, which is our new Human Resources Information System to replace the soon to be retired Equifax system, which will go-live on 27 May 2024.
  • RosterHub is implementation of the Optima system to replace the ageing RosterOn. Date of go-live has yet to be confirmed.

The implementation of modern HR systems will support payroll and employee life-cycle activities across core master data, recruitment, on-boarding, workflows and org charts, and will be a single source of truth for HR data, streamlining processes, employment and position information, operational efficiencies, faster resolutions a complete history of information and changes available instantaneously.

The new systems will increase efficiency in on-boarding and off-boarding functions, reporting and service planning, and will increase accuracy for payroll for employees against award entitlements. This will help reduce errors and improve compliance, processes follow a clear path with business rules built in to align to awards, policies and procedures.

People and Culture has engaged with numerous stakeholders to identify requirements and capture current pain points. Working groups have been established with Unit Manager representation and the Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Unit providing Nursing & Midwifery representation.

A Change Impact Statement has recently been released to provide more information to all staff on the project.

Published on 3 February 2024