Published on 20 July 2022

After a successful trial in both of the ICU’s, all areas of Western Health will now be able to access reusable barrier gowns. These gowns are a direct substitute for the single-use/disposable gowns that you will be familiar with. Of particular note is:

  • The reusable gown is less expensive to launder than the cost of a disposable gown – this initiative reduces spending!
  • The use of these gowns diverts large amounts of waste – the initiative reduces our environmental impact!
  • These gowns have been approved for use by the Infection Prevention Team and specifically endorsed by Dr Marion Kainer as a suitable alternative to the yellow disposable gowns – this initiative is safe!
  • These gowns are now the default gown for use in both ICU’s – this initiative has been embraced by staff!

The gowns have received overwhelmingly positive feedback, particularly in relation to how comfortable they are.

The use of these gowns does not require changes to donning and doffing procedures. Changing over an area is a simple and straightforward process with targeted support available to transition away from disposable.

This is a great sustainability initiative and provides the opportunity for Western Health and our staff to contribute to improved sustainability outcomes.

The gowns are now gradually being introduced into the Emergency Departments by a trial and a number of other areas have been identified to commence changing over to reusable.

If you would like any further information please contact Bryan Ross (Director of Operations, Health Support Services) via [email protected].